Employment Opportunities at CVH
Receptionist – Full time benefits include health, dental, and vision after initial probationary period. Please stop in for an employment form or check our employment status on Indeed.com.
Veterinary Assistant & Veterinary Technician – Positions including those with emphasis on kennels and husbandry, veterinary assistant which covers a large range of duties and responsibilities based on experience and education, and certified veterinary nursing positions with an emphasis on technician appointments, laboratory work, and surgical anesthesia and monitoring. Full time benefits include health, dental, and vision after initial probationary period. Please stop in for an employment form or check our employment status on Indeed.com.
Laboratory Technician – Certified veterinary technician or veterinary assistant with several years experience needed for full time laboratory position at our hospital. Competitive salary with benefits to include health, dental, and vision. Please apply on Indeed.com or stop in for an employment form or email your resume or inquiry to [email protected] or [email protected].
Veterinary Associate – Please call (610) 923-0393 with any inquiries.
What's Next
Call us or schedule an appointment online.
Meet with a doctor for an initial exam.
Put a plan together for your pet.